Reaction of alkyl halides with water to form alcohols (SN1)
Description: Alkyl halides will react with water to form alcohols through an SN1 mechanism.
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It will be Sn1 because dilute acid means there is water and water is polar protic solvent. H+(from water) will surround nucleophile which will reduce the nucleophilicity of nucleophile.
Great example!! I think you were suppose to say cleavage of C-Cl in step 1 instead of C-Br though. Regardless, X is a halide. Thank you for this awesome website. I love being a member!!
I’ve heard it mentioned that dilute acid can be used to transform RX into ROH. In that case, would the reaction follow this same pathway (Sn1), or would it be a different mechanism?
Looking forward to becoming a member. This is a great site. I wish I would have found it earlier.